Health & Safety Policy

Our duties and responsibilities

We recognise and accept our legal and moral responsibilities, both as employers under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and as a business under all the other statutory provisions that apply to us.

Our Health and Safety Policy Statement applies to all our operations. We fully recognise the essential nature of the subject and the importance of employee co-operation at every level. With our employees’ dedicated support, we continually improve our Health and Safety standards.


Here’s how we ensure everyone who works with us is safe

  • We make sure our employees know about this policy and have input into applying it
  • We provide and maintain safe machinery, equipment and work systems
  • We put in place safe systems for using materials, handling and storing them, transporting machinery, equipment and appliances, solids, liquids or gases, either natural or artificial
  • We give information, instruction, training and supervision whenever it’s necessary
  • We maintain the workplace, wherever it might be, in a safe condition and provide and maintain safe access / emergency egress
  • We provide adequate facilities, resources and arrangements for employee welfare


We impose these common sense duties on our employees

  • The Management is responsible for the health, safety and welfare of employees and anyone who comes in contact with our operations
  • Our Supervisors are responsible for compliance with employees’ rights and statutory obligations
  • Our employees know they have to take reasonable care of the health, safety and welfare of themselves and anyone else who might be affected by their behaviour and actions at work
  • Our employees know they must report transgressions and co-operate to achieve compliance
  • Our employees know they mustn’t interfere with our efforts to comply with regulations concerning their health and safety at work or misuse the health and safety equipment we provide
  • We review our policy regularly to make sure it’s up to date and fully compliant

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